Anyone can Assume anything about anything.
Do you get this?
What are you assuming about being a man?What are you assuming about already being an Archiarchal Man?Or about NEVER being one?What Are Archiarchal Men?
Why go on The Path as men?
The maps made by Ana Norambuena in the Lab For Men in New Zealand, September 2024, leads directly into the abyss. That is the path for men wishing to exit the Patriarchy. If a man or woman who is using Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) from the Patriarchy leaps into the abyss, the abyss does its work on them. This transformation can neither be avoided nor faked. It is similar to when Indiana Jones in film #3 (The Last Crusade) uses a map that leads through cave that opens on the side of a vertical rock cliff. The next instruction is to take a giant step upwards into nothing. Indiana may know what is on the other side of the chasm - the Chalice - but he cannot go there without taking that step. There is no way around it.
This may be the most important map for any man trying to leave the Patriarchy. The map is so accurate and undeniable. It can neither be confronted nor confused. It cannot be faked or fooled. This map gives many of us a new future, a new set of possibilities to work with.
Good Boys Don't Go To Heaven. They Source Hell.
You Have So Many Resources To Help You
Go Through The Phoenix Process To Escape The Patriarchy
And Create Life As An Archiarchal Man...
What Are You Going To Do About It?
Each Experiential Distinction in your Being can become Conscious or remain Unconscious. It does not matter to the Universe, but, there are consequences.
This is mechanics... Box Mechanics.
Are you in a Minimized NOW?
Are you in First Position?
These are Experiential Distinctions for you.
The Distinctions in your Being catch and hold the consciousness you are able to bring into action in each moment.
Your Energetic Tool for making Distinctions is your Sword of Clarity.
Your Sword of Clarity is the tool for making Distinctions, such as:
Whose Assumption is this?
What is this Assumption's purpose?
Do I want to use this Assumption in the Context of this Space or this Gameworld?
No one can answer these questions for you.
More interestingly, no on can stop you from answering these questions yourself.
Men Experimenting With Evolution
Any remnants of the patriarchy that remain in you will hate every one of these Experiments.
If something in you gets triggered... celebrate! You have found another contaminant to wash away from your Being.
Please Adam, Eat That Apple
Matrix Code ARCHMENx.00
From the 3 Phase Healer: Jen Ward.
The vision of the future of the world going down in destruction is obsolete. The ones who painted this vision could only see a slanted scenario from a male point of view. This means the best of them... those you have built your spiritual disciplines around.
They were unable to see the shifts in the reality itself caused by the current empowerment of female energy. This showed in their negative view of women leaders. What we are experiencing now is a whole shift of vantage point and empowerment that visionaries of the past couldn’t fathom.
The truth is, the shift in consciousness caused by female empowerment is what saves the planet. Things are shifting so quickly. We are all getting a tutorial in how idiotic and corrupt governing parties are that are devoid of female energy. This includes compassion, kindness and expansive inclusiveness.
It is no accident that I do such dynamic energy work and share such wise insights while in a female body. It is no accident that so many wise and empowered people are incarnating in female bodies. The world is desperate for what I and others offer.
What you are seeing now is consciousness outgrowing the primal conditioning that women are evil. I never understood why Eve was the bad guy for bringing Adam self awareness. The garden of Eden represents the apathy and ignorance that we have tolerated. The Snake represents our Kundalini energy or tapping into our higher Truth.
Right now the Feminine is asking Adam to please eat the Apple of Distinction, the Apple of Discernment, the Apple of Clarity, the Apple of Disillusionment.
Of course everyone becomes naked in each moment of gaining a little understanding of ourselves as energy beings. Our subtle senses Need to be reengaged so that we can expand our consciousness. This is where we are right now. This is what conventional religion created by male dominance has been trying to prevent. But the evolution of consciousness is inevitable. The Bright Principles have already won.
Go back in all that you have been conditioned to believe. Reassess all the demonizing of women that is threaded throughout Western history. See that the corruption that is coming to the head now, was always working to thwart your expansion into female empowerment.
In all you do, think, intend and believe, coax yourself to eat that apple.
Please Adam, for humanity’s sake, eat that apple. The Feminine has so much to offer in creating humanity's future. So do you, the initiated Masculine. We do it in sisterhood, willing to share everything we are and know as with a favorite sister.
The days of besting and subjugating our brother is over. This message is a key to awakening for all of humanity.
From Women To Men - a video (5 min)
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- Get with your Men's Circle for a meeting.
- Make sure you have your Beep! Book.
- Lower your Numbness Bar to the less than 10% intense level of feelings and emotions.
- Make sure you each have your Center, Grounding Cord, and Bubble of Space.
- Make sure you each are Present with a small NOW.
- You are going to watch this 5 minute video two times. One time with your Being inside of Patriarchy, and one time with your Being inside of Archiarchy.
- First, put your Point Of Origin deep into the context of Patriarchy and watch this film together in silence.
- Close your eyes and stay silent in Patriarchy for 3 minutes.
- In your Beep! Book, write down what you feel (both the Feelings and Emotions) and why: the Story attached to your feelings and emotions. Take 10-15 minutes to write all your feelings: anger, sadness, fear, joy, and your Mixed Emotions.
- After that, write down what you think: Conclusions, Projections, Assumptions, Judgements, Prejudices, Expectations. Take 10-15 minutes to write all this.
- Each man read out loud exactly what you wrote. At the end of your reading, tell the other men which 'I' in you has been talking, and exactly what its unconscious Purpose has been.
- Everyone close your eyes and sit in silence for 3 minutes.
- Relocate your Point Of Origin: pull it out of Patriarchy and plant it deeply into next culture, into Archiarchy.
- Watch the same video again together in silence.
- Close your eyes and stay silently in Archiarchy for 3 minutes.
- In your Beep! Book, write down what you feel (both the Feelings and Emotions) and why: the Story attached to your feelings and emotions. Take 10-15 minutes to write all this.
- After that, write down what you think: Conclusions, Projections, Assumptions, Judgements, Prejudices, Expectations. Take 10-15 minutes to write all this.
- Each man read out loud exactly what you wrote. At the end of your reading, tell the other men which 'I' in you has been talking, and exactly what its unconscious Purpose has been.
- Sit together in silence for another 10 minutes, then go back home. Meeting over.
Committ To Another Man Being A Creator
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Committ to being with another Man for 30minutes with the following Distinction and Experiment:
'I didn't get so I cannot give' is usually a Low-Drama victim story of the Box and Gremlin of a person. We have been so wounded and punshed back, that we made ourselves believe that we have nothing to offer. Especially, if you didn't get generously fed in a specific domain, you might believe Your Gremlin's Survival Strategy of 'therefore I have nothing to offer in that domain'.
You never have nothing to offer.
You always have something to offer, because you are connected to Infinite Resources bigger than yourself.
Only your story prevents you from noticing. Look at Trees. Some of them grow out of a seed even in the most desert places by striking their roots into deeper grounds with no other trees around them 'showing them how to do it'. So can you.
This is the Experiment: Pick a Man where you are living. Go talk to him. Say, I want to do an Experiment with you. Scan for a victim-survival story in the other Man. Say 'You are a Creator. Do you want to hear from me what I scan about where you make yourself believe that this is not true?'
If he gives you a 'YES', go onto a Discovery-Conversation with the other Man about what he has already to offer besides and beyond his own story.Do not let him go away with him still believing in his story of his Survival Strategy. Thank this Man for going on Adventure with you.
NOTE: It IS not the purpose, to falsyfy that someone didn't get what they needed. This might be totally the case. The purpose is to help them disconnect their identification from their story and help them Shift Identity into Being Possibility, Creation, Invention, and Transformation.
Report back to your friends or PTeam in the next meeting.
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Matrix Code ARCHMENx.00
Matrix Code ARCHMENx.00
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code ARCHMENx.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!